豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是一家集 江苏南通路沿石成型机销售与加工的综合性公司。主要经营 江苏南通路沿石成型机等。公司位于中站李封南会253号。区域优越、交通方便。我厂秉承“以信誉赢客户,以质量占市场,以新品谋发展,以科技创未来”的经营理念,以务实求真,互惠双赢”为宗旨,对内弘扬企业文化,对外传播企业精神,不断优化企业管理,不断提高产品质量,不断品牌形象,积j i打造j i具江山特色的不锈钢精品。竭诚欢迎新老客户前来指导与洽谈。公司一贯坚持以“价格合理、质量可靠、交货准时、售后积j i”为基本准则,努力成为您忠实的合作伙伴,互惠双赢!
Industrial hose pump stainless steel gear pump, can transport non-lubricant beverages with low corrosive liquids, with copper gears can transport gasoline, benzene and other low internal point liquids. Due to the poor self-priming ability of the gear pump, it is generally caused by the large gap between the pump cavity of the gear pump. At the same time, if there is no "check valve" at the output of the gear pump, it must be a check valve or control valve of the next gear pump. After moving and fixing, the surrounding staff can resume surgery.
软管泵具有输送强研磨性介质的能力。它无阀、无密封,同介质接触的 部件是橡胶软管的内腔,压缩软管的转子完全独立于介质之外。
The hose pump has the ability to transport strong abrasive media. It has no valve, no seal, and the only part in contact with the medium is the inner cavity of the rubber hose. The rotor of the compression hose is completely independent of the medium.